Monday, May 17, 2010


HI ALL!! I miss everyone soo much! I am having a blast! Uganda was the most amazing thing I have ever done. It was absolutely beautiful. Monkeys running above us constantly! All sorts of animals and fun plants! Rafting was so much fun! I fell in on a class two rapid (way to go clumsy girl!) We were able to float down the river and play around in the water for a while. We rafted for 7 HOURS!! :D I applied 80 SPF sunscreen five times that day and STILL got a sun blister on my hand! The last rapid was OUTRAGEOUS! We had to walk around half of it because they say it is "unraftable." We flipped ten seconds into the part we were supposed to raft. I was knocked unconscious and woke up in someone elses boat. He was a very nice man from New Zealand. My eardrum was not punctured, but forced too far into my ear! It was horrid for about a day but now it is much better! Tri says that it will heal itself. I am just taking pain killers and so far it is just a little muffled.

I milked my first cow yesterday and tried my first bit of sugarcane! Both were amazing! The neighbor Jarson is going to take us to a sugarcane factory where they make rock sugar! I made the Kenyan natives open the sugarcane for me. Then I tore off the inside. You chew on it until all of the juice is gone then you spit out the fibers! The flavor is wonderful! I held baby bunnies that Jarson is raising for his family, and they were adorable!

I'm sorry my writing is so quick and messy, we are running off to Mzungu Night (White person specials)! We are running late,but fortunately every African I have met runs late. They call Mzungu time "proper time." So if they tell you it will be 20 minutes they mean an hour unless they say "20 minutes Mzungu time."

Okay, I must be leaving. Hope to get back on sometime soon! I miss you all so very much and can not wait to come home for hugs and kisses!! We have built some major bonds here and I get my daily hugs and kisses although they are nothing like the hugs and kisses from home! Hope all is well!!

All my love!


  1. wow, you almost died in those waters!!!! that is real scary!!! I am so glad you are doing well now
    what is the phone number we can reach you at??

  2. sue sue! Crazy adventures you are having! sounds awesome~ I hope you are getting lotsa good pictures~! I miss you like crazy! come home in one piece ok? I need you to be able to hear! haha ~~ keep having fun! I LOVE YOU~!~!~ <3

  3. YIKES BRAD! Where was everyone else when you got picked up by some random guy?! Sounds like quite the adventure...
